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Yohan Blakeの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Yohan Blake E-Mail Failure - 2014年7月26日
Just Sent email requesting autograph thru his website, And received an automated reply: "Thank you for your interest in Yohan, we appreciate your support! Unfortunately at this time we are unable to provide original signed autographs. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Again, thank you for your support."

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Yohan Blake success - 2014年1月4日
I got this success via email request on his website I'm wondering if this is an AP though. I know Usain Bolt uses an AP, and this looks awfully similar to other Yohan Blake success's. Anyone have a opinion? Sent: Email request - May 2013 Received: Signed picture that is slightly larger than 5x7 - September 2013 Pic: Sorry no envelope.

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Yohan Blake Email Success! - 2013年9月2日
Sent: Email late july 2013 an email to Yohan Blake Recieved: Last week a signed photo from him. Photo: http://fenerkanaria.webs.com/apps/photo ... =184103511 Could not upload the envolope. 8)<!-- s8) -->  <!-- s<img src= --><img src=

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Yohan Blake Success - 2013年7月18日
Ok I recieved this today after waiting almost 3 weeks. Im not very happy with this success due to quality I mean if your going to send me a autograph through the post atleast do so on correct paper as the postage cost so much from Jamaica. Yohan Blake photo feels almost like newspaper its terrible and to be honist I dont think Mr Blake would even sign something like this. Anyways heres the image sorry its quite small and guys feel free to comment on authenticity. -

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Yohan Blake Email success - 2013年6月10日
Sent email on 24th March 2013 to Jamaican sprinter Johan Blake who won 1 gold and 2 silvers at London 2012 email sent to contact at ybafraidfoundation.org Received signed photocard from him this morning photo with envelope -

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