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Yvonne Catterfeldの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Yvonne Catterfeld Success, Singer - 2017年2月28日
Heute Neu: Yvonne Catterfeld Postfach 50 01 02, 99048 Erfurt 3 OAK eine mit Widmung + 1 von 2 mitgeschickten Fotos signiert mit Widmung 08.11.2016 - 28.02.2017

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Yvonne Catterfeld success - 2016年10月19日
Send: 11.07.2016 Received: 17.10.2016 Send a SASE, LOR and 2 pictures to address in database Yvonne Catterfeld Postfach 50 01 02 99048 Erfurt Germany Received both pictures and an extra card signed and dedicated back. On the back of her card, she wrote "thank you for your words" Very cool 8)<!-- s8) --> 

Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures</td><tr><td style=

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SUCCESS: Yvonne Catterfeld - 2015年11月4日
On October 28th I received my autograph of Yvonne Catterfeld (German Singer and actress). I am really happy about her signature (also with dedication). She also added an additional signed picture. Sent: 17th September 2015 (LOR, 1 Picture, SASE) / Received: 28th October 2015 Address used: From the database Fanservice Yvonne Catterfeld Postfach 500102 99048 Erfurt Thank you so much Yvonne

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Yvonne Catterfeld Success - 2012年12月26日
Yvonne Catterfeld Sent: September Received: 24.12.12 adress: Fanservice Yvonne Catterfeld Postfach 50 01 02 99048 Erfurt Germany -

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Yvonne Catterfeld - 2012年12月24日
Sent: 14.11.2012, SASE, LOR REC: 24.12.2012, Autograph in my sase address: Fanservice Yvonne Catterfeld Postfach 50 01 02 99048 Erfurt GERMANY photos: - -

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