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Yvonne Craigの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

classic actress Yvonne Craig success - 2014年2月26日
Hello friends ,today i recieved an amazing success from this wonderful lady ,im a huge Batman fan and also she was in 2 Elvis films ....she mailed 3 signed photos ,one from Batman ,other as Marta in Star Trekand the other from a memorabilia convention .....Thanks Ms Craig and thanks fanmail !!!! i sent 2 photos to her and she added an extra one to her address

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Yvonne Craig Batgirl from Batman Tv Series - 2013年2月10日
Ordered a pic from her site about two weeks ago for 35$ US http://www.yvonnecraig.com/index.html Got it Today - She only sells them no freebies

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Yvonne Craig (Batgirl) Success! - 2012年9月25日
Items Ordered: 2 8" x 10" Batgirl glossy photos http://www.yvonnecraig.com/merchandise/ ... 7403a99eda http://www.yvonnecraig.com/merchandise/ ... 7403a99eda Ordered: August 15, 2012 Received: September 4, 2012 Website purchased from: http://www.yvonnecraig.com/merchandise/ Click the link to look at the pics of the signed items and the envelope. I have four autographs from Adam West, and I am trying to get Burt Ward. My hope is that I can someday get all three of their signatures on that one picture with the three of them together. Comments on authenticity are ALWAYS welcome and much appreciated. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y0wa9ymgr371t43/mTt1UVhVAY - - -

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