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Yvonne Strahovskiの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 6ページ):

Yvonne Strahovski RTS - 2015年12月7日
Sent :20 Nov 2015 . Today I got my letter back. It said Return To Sender, Not Deliverable As Addressed,Unable To Forward (???)

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Yvonne Strahovski - success - 2015年9月13日
Sent: 04.10.2015 Recd: 09.12.2015 Yvonne Strahovski McKeon-Myones Management 3500 Olive Avenue Suite 770 Burbank, CA 91505-5527 USA Sent 2 photos, LOR, SAE and IRC. Got 2 photos back, personalized. So happy about this! Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Yvonne Strahovski (Chuck) Success!! - 2015年9月11日
Sent Yvonne Strahovski a SASE, LOR and two 4X6 photos about two months ago to the address in the database and today received both pics back signed and personalized!! Thank you Yvonne! I know some people believe them to be secs, but since Yvonne was in CA recently filming a segment on the show 'Geeks Who Drink', I'm hopeful that they are authentic. <img src=

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Yvonne Strahovski Success - 2014年9月29日
I sent to Yvonne on 7/15/2014. Got them back 9/29/2014 I sent a LOR, 3 photos, and a SASE. Yvonne Strahovski McKeon-Myones Management 3500 Olive Avenue Suite 770 Burbank, CA 91505-5527 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/a30b8d2 ... x72uf.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/a30b8d2 ... clklf.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/a30b8d2 ... f2nuk.html

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Yvonne Strahovski success! - 2014年9月24日
Sent: August 22, 2014 Received: September 25, 2014 Used this address: Yvonne Strahovski McKeon-Myones Management 3500 Olive Ave Ste 770 Burbank, CA 91505 USA Sent a letter, 2 8x10 photos and a SASE. Received my photos back signed, one personalized! Not sure if authentic <img src=

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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