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女歌手 フォーラム
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最新のメッセージ: 2008年9月5日 >>>


Warner Music France
118, rue du Mont Cenis
75891 Paris Cedex 18


Warner Music France
118, rue du Mont Cenis
75891 Paris Cedex 18
電話: +33 (0)
ファクシミリ: +33 (0)


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Paulineの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):

Pauline Moran Success - 2020年9月22日
Sent Sept 8, 2020 Received Sept 22, 2020 McLean-Williams Management Chester House (Unit 2:15) Kennington Park 1-3 Brixton Road London SW9 6DE. UK

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Pauline Pirok AAGPBL - 2016年3月26日
Pauline Pirok [pier-ock (born October 18, 1926) is a former infielder who played from 1943 through 1948 in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. Listed at 5' 2", 132 lb., Pirok batted and threw right-handed. She earned the nickname Pinky Pirok. A native of Chicago, Illinois, Pirok entered the AAGPBL in 1943 with the Kenosha Comets, playing for them two and a half years before joining the South Bend Blue Sox (1945–1948). During six years, she divided her playing time at third base and shortstop, making also a few appearances as an emergency pitcher. Her most productive season came in 1943, when she hit a career-best .234 average as a 17-year-old rookie. Kenosha Comets (1943-'45) South Bend Blue Sox (1945-'48) All-Star Team (1943) Five playoff appearances (1943-'44, 1946-'48) Sent her 2 cards on 16 Mar and got back 2 flyers that announced AAGPBL reunions that had a picture of her and of her team The Kenosha Comets. Ms Pauline Pirok 13636 86th Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462-1612

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Pauline Angert Success, German Actress - 2015年11月18日
[uHeute Neu:[/u Pauline Angert (Der Lehrer) Agentur le und la, Vogelsanger Straße 282, 50825 Köln 4 mitgeschickte Fotos signiert mit Widmung 13.01.2015 - 18.11.2015

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