Rosamund Pikeの直筆サイン入り写真 (英语):
Rosamund Pike Success! Gone Girl & I Care a Lot 📚🎥 - 2024年6月29日 [youtubejGa4eHBHWoA[/youtube
Rosamund Pike sent a signed photo and two index cards.
Rosamund Pike
c/o United Agents
Attn: Dallas Smith
12-26 Lexington Street
London W1F 0LE
United Kingdom |
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Rosamund Pike ACTRESS SUCCESS - 2023年5月5日 Receved after 5 weeks y fotos signed
Rosamund Pike
c/o United Agents Ltd.
12-26 Lexington Street
London W1F 0LE
My autographe by
Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures |  |
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Rosamund Pike Success - 2023年3月24日 Awesome to get Rosamund on Wheel of Time photo
I have had other successes from her but this is my favorite
Sent one (1) 8x10, LoR, SASE to Rosamund Pike 8-19-22
Received my 8x10 back signed 3-24-23
Rosamund Pike
c/o United Agents Ltd.
12-26 Lexington Street
London, UK
W1F 0LE |    |
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