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Alan Rickmanの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 7ページ):

Alan Rickman failure - 2016年7月12日
Sent : october 2015 (can't remember the day) Received : 2 or 3 january 2016 In the letter, Melanie writes "i know that he will appreciate" and she didn't write this before i'm the first. Maybe because when a person is ill, to know that he has support make him happy. I really hope that he read it before to die... I will always miss him. http://surfmypictures.com/image/0931110 ... wmv3x.html

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Alan rickman PA letter Over a year ago sucess - 2016年5月30日
i wrote to mt rickman about a year ago. recived today a letter from his PA that states tat even thou alan passed away he signed my photo last year and he sent it now. sad but great sucess . rip alan rickman

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Alan Rickman sort of success? - 2016年5月9日
Okay, so I sent to Alan Rickman just over a year ago and i've just received this letter from his PA. Don't think this counts as a success but it's still a nice thing for his PA to write to me <img src=

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Alan Rickman Failure - 2015年6月11日
On march I received letter with apologize from Alan Rickman office. Im waiting 3-4 months Alan Rickman Independent Talent Group Ltd. 40 Whitfield Street London W1T 2RH UK Photo:

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Alan Rickman - Failure (out of country) - 2015年3月19日
sent 2nd of March, got this back today. Sent to Independent talent group Ltd

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