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Atlanta Bravesの直筆サイン入り写真 (10 / 16ページ):

Juan Francisco (Atlanta Braves) Success - 2012年7月19日
Sent Mr. Francisco a card, LOR and SASE on 7/7/12 and received a signed card yesterday 7/18/12. Sent to him c/o AL Braves at the Turner Field address in database. -

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Jason Heyward - Atlanta Braves Right Fielder - 2012年6月26日
Sent 1 Card, LOR and SASE Received my Card signed in my SASE Took 34 Days. Used the Atlanta Braves address. Youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddohPOEQpNw&feature=plcp Signed Card http://pautographs.webs.com/apps/photos ... =158840123 No picture of Envelope.

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Terry Pendleton SUCCESS!!! (Atlanta Braves) - 2012年6月14日
Im extremely happy to have gotten this success back. I sent a baseball, LOR, pen & SASE to Terry Pendleton c/o the Braves Spring Training address Florida. After Spring Training ended, I kind of wrote it off. Sent: 3/18/2012 Received: 6/14/2012 - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/jayho7284:jayho7284 at 2012-06-14

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Fredi Gonzalez success (atlanta braves) - 2012年6月12日
[us<!-- s[us --> sent a Card SASE and letter to:
Fredi Gonzalez
atlanta braves
turner field 
755 Hank Aaron Dr. SW
Atlanta,GA 30315

<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image --></td><tr><td style=

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jair jurrgens atlanta braves success - 2012年4月17日
Sent a SASE and photo to The Braves Address for Jair Jurrgens He signed my photo and I recieved it today. -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Former Mlb Joe Morgan (Walpole Joe, Born 1930) Success
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Former Mlb Mike Hartley Success
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Larry Andersen Mlb Success
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Dey Young Success
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Voice Actor H. Jon Benjamin Success
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Former Mlb Jaime Cocanower Success
2025年3月 8日



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