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Atlanta Bravesの直筆サイン入り写真 (9 / 16ページ):

Jair Jurrjens (Atlanta Braves) Success - 2012年10月12日
On 8-12-11, I sent a LOR, SASE, and baseball card to Jair Jurrjens at : Jair Jurrjens C/O Atlanta Braves Turner Field 755 Hank Aaron Drive Southwest Atlanta, GA 30315 On 10-11-12, I received my baseball card back autographed.

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Tim Hudson (Atlanta Braves) AWESOME success - ROMLB - 2012年9月7日
So I e-mailed the Hudson Family Foundation asking for an autograph back in mid-July. I received an e-mail about a week later telling me that if I wanted something signed to send it and return postage to the foundation address that she gave me in the e-mail. On July 24, I sent a LOR, a (cheap) Rawlings practice training baseball, a Tim Hudson Topps card and a Rakrs autograph card plus $5 for return shipping. On September 7 (45 days later), I received a package from the Hudson Foundation with a signed and personalized ROMLB. No sign of my baseball or cards, but I would take that trade for a ROMLB every day of the week. Heres the address to be added to the database: Tim Hudson c/o Hudson Family Foundation 2415 Moore Mills Rd Suite 265 Auburn, AL 36830 autograph: - package: -

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John shuerholz SUCCESS!! (Atlanta Braves) - 2012年8月25日
Sent: 8/12/12 Recieved: 8/22/12 sent to Atlanta Braves adress, got back signed!

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HOF Dodgers Pitcher Don Sutton Success!! (Atlanta Braves) - 2012年7月24日
I had written this off as a loss. (I'm not kidding!) I sent a baseball card of Mr Sutton in a Dodgers uniform c/o the Braves OVER TWO YEARS AGO!! Was I surprised when I opened the mail when I got home after work. Address used: Mr. Don Sutton Braves Announcer c/o Atlanta Braves Turner Field 755 Hank Aaron Drive SW Atlanta, GA 30315

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ROMLB HOF Don Sutton HOF 98 Success!!!! (Atlanta Braves) - 2012年7月21日
On 8/27/2011, yeah 2011!!. I sent a nice note ROMLB and SASE. I received my baseball today after 330 days. I am really happy about this because I had already written it off as a failure. But Low and behold. I got Mr. Don Sutton. Thank you Mr. Sutton. He must have been a very busy man. I sent it to the Atlanta Braves addy. http://www.flickr.com/photos/76198001 at N ... hotostream

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Former Mlb Pat Perry Success
2025年3月 9日
Helen Worth Rts
2025年3月 9日
Former Mlb Joe Morgan (Walpole Joe, Born 1930) Success
2025年3月 9日
Former Mlb Mike Hartley Success
2025年3月 9日
Kate Mckinnon Rts
2025年3月 9日
Scott Bailes Mlb Success
2025年3月 9日
Larry Andersen Mlb Success
2025年3月 9日
Dey Young Success
2025年3月 9日
Voice Actor H. Jon Benjamin Success
2025年3月 8日
Former Mlb Jaime Cocanower Success
2025年3月 8日



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