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Bill Cosbyの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 5ページ):

Bill Cosby failure - 2013年12月2日
On April 9th, I sent a LOR, photo and SASE to: Bill Cosby The Brokaw Co. 9255 Sunset Blvd, Suite 804 Los Angeles, CA, 90069 I received my photo and letter back with a letter stated he was no longer signing TTM. Guess I was too late sending to him! Too bad!! Hes a legen in his own right and I would have loved to add his signature to my collection. <img src= " title="Crying or Very sad" /> - -

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Bill Cosby Succes - 2013年7月17日
Sent to Mr. Cosby 6/15/13 received 7/16/13 first one I ever asked for just got it back been getting a lot of quick replies from people Adress in data base, SASE, 1 phot...received phot back signed very nice I will cherish this one #sentimental value -

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Bill Cosby success - 2013年5月14日
Really happy to have gotten Bill Cosby! Not sure if its authentic? I hope it is, looks similar to the other ones people have gotten. The envelope I got back wasnt marked by the post office so I can basically reuse the stamp. I believe I sent this out 2 months ago Im not sure which address got the success because I tried a few. It might of been this one: Bill Cosby P.O. Box 4049 Santa Monica, CA 90411 -

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bill cosby rts - 2013年2月1日
On Jan 13 I sent mr cosby two pictures a letter and sase to the address in database. Yesterday I got my envelope back with the address blacked out and had rts written all over it

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Bill Cosby - Success - 2012年12月4日
Bill Cosby Mailed: October 2011 (2) 8½x11 1 Year & 1 Month Turnaround Received: 11/15/12 Received Both Bach Autographed w/ Letter from Secretary stating that Mr. Cosby had signed the items. Used address in the database - -

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