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Bill Cosbyの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 5ページ):

Bill Cosby Success - 2012年11月26日
Sent Bill a letter,2 photos,sae & some $$ for postage.Wrote to the address in the database.Received both photos back only 1 signed and a letter saying he only signs one item per request.Still happy with this return <img src= Took 1 year !! Sent..28.11.11 Received..26.11.12 Photo.. - Letter.. -

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Bill Cosby Success - 2012年11月22日
hello everyone, i hope you are all doing well, and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that celebrates it. back last year December 12/30/11 i believe it was. i sent a LOR, SASE & 1 Photo to comic legend Bill Cosby, i got it back this past Tuesday. 11/19/12 signed. it took some time and to be honest i kinda forgot about it. the only reason i knew it was old was because of the SASE, i use a new kind now and have been using them since like January of this year. i will up load the picture after thanksgiving, sorry i have been really busy. i used the address in this database. thanks and have a great week here is the address i used: Bill Cosby PO Box 4049 Santa Monica CA 90411 Best Wishes Sean Sjazz

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Bill Cosby - 2012年11月21日
I sent a drawing to Bill Cosby in November 2011. Here is my response, one year later: http://geraldscarpenter.wordpress.com/2012/11/21/bill-cosby/ I used the address in the data base: Bill Cosby PO Box 4049 Santa Monica CA 90411

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Bill Cosby SUCCESS x2 after LONG TIME. - 2012年11月19日
Sent: on 7 December 2011 I sent LOR, self-addressed envelope and 2 photos to Bill Cosby Received: 19 Nevember 2012 my 2 signed photos in my self-addressed envelope and note. ADDRESS USSED: Bill Cosby P.O. Box 4049 Santa Monica, CA 90411 USA photos+envelope: - All coments are welcome

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Bill Cosby Success! My first success - 2012年8月7日
I just received Bill Cosbys autograph yesterday in the mail! Im so happy! Address used: Bill Cosby P.O. Box 4049 Santa Monica, CA 90411 USA Sent: 6-19-12 (photo, SASE, letter) Received: 8-6-12 (Letter from sec., my photo signed) - -

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