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Bob Barkerの直筆サイン入り写真 (11 / 11ページ):

Bob Barker Success - 2011年9月10日
I sent a LOR and SASE to Bob Barker to the address in the database. I received back 2-8x10 pictures, one for my grandma and one for me. They used their own envelope because I think I didnt put enough postage on my SASE. Sent: 8/19/2011 Received: 9/8/2011 Pictures: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/19 ... rkert.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/6/ ... 20847.jpg/ Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/82 ... elope.jpg/

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Bob Barker Success - 2011年9月9日
Sent 8/19/11 LOR, SASE, 2 8x10, Received 9/9/11 2 signed 8x10 The Prappas Company 9201 Wilshire Blvd. Sutie 204 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 http://invictussoftware.com/Autographs/bobbarker.JPG http://invictussoftware.com/Autographs/bobbarker1.JPG http://invictussoftware.com/Autographs/bobbarkerenv.JPG

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Bob Barker bittersweet success - 2011年9月4日
On 8-11-11 I sent a LOR, 8x10 photo and SASE to tv Icon Bob Barker. I received my photo signed and personalized by Mr. Barker on 9-2-11. I say this is bittersweet because in my note I mentioned how I grew up as a child watching him on tv with my grandmother each and every day and how we really enjoyed the show. I also mentioned that "sadly my grandma passed away in February of this year", and that every time I see him on tv it makes me think of my time with my grandmother. So what does he do, he took the photo I sent and wrote "To Chads Grandma" and then sent another photo and it said "And one for Chad." I know he is trying to be nice, but really... so you can see why this is bittersweet. I sent to the address in the database and I do not scan envelopes. - -

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Bob Barker QUICK SUCCESS! :) - 2011年8月19日
I am so excited! I received an envelope in the mail today from Bob Barker and it was a personalized autograph!!! <img src= I am happy because it took very little time to get here!! What?: LOR Sent: August 11, 2011 Received: August 18, 2011 Address used: Bob Barker The Prappas Company 9201 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 204 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 <img src= YAY! He is so good to his fans! - -

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Bob Barker Success! Quick response! - 2011年8月7日
I sent a letter, a SASE, and a photo to the following address and received the photo back signed and personalized to me. I sent it on July 11, 2011 and received it back on July 26, 2011. Thanks! Bob Barker The Prappas Company 9201 Wilshire Blvd. Sutie 204 Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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