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Bob Ueckerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

MLB - Bob Uecker Fail - 2024年5月4日
Sent 8x10's to address below on 4/19/24 and received them back unsigned on 5/3/24. Included was a letter stating "Mr. Uecker has elected to not do any fan signings this season/year". c/o Milwaukee Brewers. American Family Field. One Brewers Way. Milwaukee, WI 53214

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Actor- Baseball Bob Uecker RTS - 2022年4月23日
Reporting this address which is in the database as a Return to Sender Bob Uecker W131N7867 Country Club Ct Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 USA Sent 3-5-22 Recd 4-23-22 as a Return to Sender http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/9imuv.html

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Actor Bob Uecker Success - 2022年3月5日
Sent a LOR, SASE and CIC to: Robert 'Bob' Uecker W131N7867 Country Club Ct Menomonee, WI 53051 Sent: 10/1/21 Received: 3/5/22 Envelope stamped from AZ. http://surfmypictures.com/image/ceaf72199f1f3d6d/1hkts.html

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Bob Uecker MLB Fail (Milwaukee Brewers) - 2016年6月18日
Sent LOR, SASE and 2 TCs to: Mr. Bob Uecker c/o Milwaukee Brewers Miller Park 1 Brewers Way Milwaukee, WI 53214 Received both cards back unsigned and a form letter stating that he isn't signing anything else for the remainder of the year. Sent: 6/11/16 Received: 6/18/16 http://surfmypictures.com/image/8c30f3cdcf0270f9/lw8wo.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Bob Uecker fail - 2016年1月7日
Mailed Bob Uecker a fan letter, SASE, and baseball 12/21/2015. Got baseball back with a typed note on 01/07/2016 that Bob Uecker "has elected not to sign during the off season." So we will try again once baseball season starts up. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up so you won't waste money on sending him anything.

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