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Bob Ueckerの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Bob Uecker - Milwaukee Brewers/Major League - TTM Success. - 2015年9月23日
After a failure sending in Major League on DVD. I sent a baseball, and SASE 2 weeks back. Received the ball signed today. Sent to Miller Park.

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Bob Uecker Disappointment (Milwaukee Brewers) - 2015年9月10日
On 8/24/15 I sent Mr. Uecker a LOR, SASE & (2) 4x6 photos to Bob Uecker c/o Milwaukee Brewers One Brewers Way Milwaukee, WI 53214-3651 Yesterday (9/8/15) I received my photos back unsigned with a letter from his assistant explaining that he only signs official baseball cards and ML Baseballs. BUMMER!

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Bob Uecker Success (Milwaukee Brewers) - 2015年7月24日
Today I received my 1963 Topps card signed by the one and only, Mr. Bob Uecker. If you try sending to him he will only sign cards of himself or baseballs; no photos, index cards or other memorabilia. I first tried sending a Cardinals team photo Topps card with him on it and it was sent back unsigned. Sent 5/15/15 Received: 7/23/15 Sent to: Mr. Bob Uecker C/O Milwaukee Brewers One Brewers Way Milwaukee, WI 53214

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Bob Uecker (Milwaukee Brewers) SUCCESS! - 2015年6月15日
I sent a letter, SASE, and baseball on May 26th and today I received it signed! Address used: Mr. Bob Uecker c/o Milwaukee Brewers Miller Park 1 Brewers Way Milwaukee, WI 53214 [urlhttps://www.flickr.com/photos/39698486 at N06/18651124868/in/dateposted-public/ I now have all the living Ford C. Frick Award winners except Tim McCarver.

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Robert Bob Uecker Saint Louis Cardinals - 2013年4月26日
I sent out a card to former Saint Louis Cardinal Catcher Robert "Bob" Uecker on April 3, 2013 and received it back on April 25, 2013. I got the address myself.Unfortunately he did not sign with the Sharpie I sent. He signed with a regular ink pen. THIS POST DOES NOT GO IN TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!! The image provider does not work - fix it! You guys always mess with my posts. -

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