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Bobby Doerrの直筆サイン入り写真 (12 / 13ページ):

Bobby Doerr Success - 2011年10月8日
Sent: 8/8/11 Received: 8/18/11 3/3 Signed 2 IC and 1 small picture printed off the Internet. My first HOF TTM. No scanner. Address used: Bobby Doerr 94449 Territorial Hwy Junction City, OR 97448-9326

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Bobby Doerr Success ROMLB x2 with 2 inscriptions each - 2011年9月23日
Sent out 2 Rawlings baseballs on 9-14-11 with ten dollar donation. I got them back signed with his hof and 9x all-star inscriptions. Used address in the batabase what a great success. Bobby Doerr 94449 Territorial Hwy Junction City, OR 97448-9326 USA -

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Bobby Doerr 2 nd Success!!!! - 2011年9月16日
Sent ROMLB to BOBBY DOERR 94449 TERRITORIAL HW JUNCTION CITY, OR 97448-9326 on 6/9/11 received it 6/16/11 Details from usps.com website Sorry no scan of slip. Your item was delivered at 10:57 am on June 16, 2011 in TAMPA, FL 33605. This one is my second success from the star Red Sox Hall of Famer. I sent him a letter requesting to get a inscription filled ball filled with his stats. He answered my letter in record time and on 6/9/11 I sent it out. What a great signer from the oldest living Baseball Hall of Famer!!!! He is so good to his fans. -

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Bobby Doerr - success - 2011年8月27日
Bobby signed my ROMLB and inscribed "HOF 86" Used the address in the database Bobby Doerr 94449 Territorial Hwy Junction City, OR 97448-9326 USA Sent 8/16/11 Received 8/25/11 Discarded the envelope -

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Bobby Doerr Success OMLB! - 2011年8月1日
Got my first TTM success today from Bobby Doerr. He signed my ball and my card (returned 1 unsigned which was ok). It only took 12 days! Thanks Bobby! -

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