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Bobby Doerrの直筆サイン入り写真 (9 / 13ページ):

Bobby Doerr Success!!! (HOF Red Sox player) - 2012年12月27日
My 2nd of my first 3 successes which all came in today!!!! Sent : 8/29/2012 Received : today Sorry my parents threw away the envelope -

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Bobby Doerr Success - 2012年11月27日
Sent LOR, SASE, and 8x10 photo to Bobby Doerr at his home address in the database. Received back signed 14 days later. Super quick success, Bobby is one of the best TTM signers around. -

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Bobby Doerr success! - 2012年10月9日
On September 28 2012 I sent a letter, picture, and SASE to Hall of Famer Bobby Doerr. On October 9 I received the picture signed! Address used: Mr. Bobby Doerr 9449 Territorial Hywy Junction City, OR 97448 Totally psyched! Doerr is 94 and recently had a stroke. He appears to be in good health if he still signs! http://surfmypictures.com/image/0852895 ... 199my.html picture http://surfmypictures.com/image/0852895 ... 4y1rs.html envelope [us<!-- s[us -->  <!-- s<img src= --><img src=

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Bobby Doerr of the Boston Red Sox & HOF Member X2 - 2012年10月9日
Sent LOR/ 2 pictures and SASE to Mr. Bobby Doerr on 9/24/12. On 10/5/12 I received my pictures back signed with his HOF inscription. Great success from a Red Sox legend. Bobby Doerr 94449 Territorial Hwy Junction City, OR 97448-9326 USA

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BOBBY DOERR fast success =) - 2012年9月14日
After only 14 days, I receive my BOBBY DOERR success! Sent: 22/08/2012 LOR + SAE + 2 photos Received: 5/09/2012 2 photos back signed Address used: Bobbys Home address in database -

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