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Bonnie Wrightの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 9ページ):

Bonnie Wright Success! - 2012年8月6日
It was a semi long awated success from bonnie! I absolutley love her harry potter <img src= Even tho its a PP Its TOTALLY worth my time of writing her, im glad i got something back at least! : ) Thanks Bonnie! Sent: Jan. 2012 Recieved: Aug. 4th 2012 Address: Bonnie Wright United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK Photos & Envelope: http://autographstosarah.webs.com/apps/ ... =162081054 -

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Bonnie Wright Success! - 2012年7月31日
I wrote to Bonnie a while back at the old address on the data base.... got back a PP today! <img src= Happy with it even though it is a pp. address used: Bonnie Wright c/o Peter Frasers & Dunlop Drury House 34-43 Russel Street London WC2B 5HA United Kingdom Sent: March 25 2011 Recieved: July 31 2012 - - -

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Bonnie Wright (Harry Potter) Success! - 2012年6月16日
Hellooooooo, I thought it would honestly never arrive! I sent a LOR and 2 photos to the database address in September and received a PP back on the 16th June - One of my longest waits yet! I also got a note saying thanks and sorry she cant reply personally haha <img src= - Hopefully Ill get her in person one day, shes one of my most wanted <img src=

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Bonnie Wright u.u - 2012年6月8日
Today i received a pp and my pic unsigned in my sae, well its great anyways.I sent it in April 6th and i used the address in database . Bonnie Wright United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK Here are the pics: - A letter and my pic: -

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Bonnie Wright non success - 2012年5月29日
Sent: SAE, LOR 01.05.2012 Received: 2 PP photo and usual typed letter 29.05.2012 in my SAE Address used: Bonnie Wright United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK It's a shame she sends pre prints now

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