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Bonnie Wrightの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 9ページ):

(HP) Bonnie Wright – success - 2012年5月11日
Yes! Today I got an answer from Bonnie Wright! I didn't expect this to come back because I didn't send a SASE and most people got their autographs back in March/April and some of them send their request earlier than I did. But here it is and although it is pre-printed I am very happy with it. It was my longest wait so far … Now I have 6 Weasleys in my collection! 8) I still hope to get her autograph in person some day … Sent: 26. Juli 2011 What: LOR, SAE, 1 Picture Received: 11. May 2012 What: I got my photo back unsigned and she sent me one of her pre-printed ones inclusive the form letter. She also added the postage for me! I used the address in the Database: United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK

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Bonnie Wright non success - 2012年4月23日
Sent: SASE, LOR, 4 photos 23.03.2012 Received: PP photo and note 19.04.2012 Address used: Bonnie Wright United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK - - -

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Bonnie Wright - Harry Potter - What I think maybe a PP - 2012年4月17日
Name: Bonnie Wright, Address: United Agents Ltd; 12-26 Lexington Street; London; W1F 0LE Sent: A LOR and a SASE on 28/3/2012 Received: A signed photo and the usual typed letter on the 17/4/2012. Time Taken: 2 Weeks, 5 Days. Im a bit dubious about the authenticity of my reply from Bonnie that I received today. In my not expert eyes the autograph looks to have been printed along with the photo, even parts of the white signature are strangely red. However on the other hand though I know Bonnie doesnt normally send PP replies and my reply is clearly not the same as this recent success http://www.fanmail.biz/mboard/viewtopic.php?t=248119 (but does look for me to be identical to this recent success http://www.fanmail.biz/mboard/viewtopic.php?t=248238 - see where the T ends, how far the . is up her arm and the way the pen fades of the B on both for example). So Im a bit stumped really. I dont know if you will be able to see this as well as myself, but here are the pictures: Envelope and picture: - Close up: -

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Bonnie Wright Success - 2012年4月16日
Hello <img src= Today i received Bonnie Wrights autograph, sent LOR and SASE about a year ago, also got a note apologising for the delay, used address in database, Bonnie Wright United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK Picture ~ - Note ~ - Envelope ~ -

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Bonnie Wright (HP) success - 2012年4月16日
Im really happy because I didnt expect it. But yesterday I received an autograph of Bonnie Wright. I sent LOR, SASE and two photos to the address in the database on the 06/04/11 , so almost a year ago. I got my photos back (unsigned) but I got this photo of her, which I really like. Bonnie Wright United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK -

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