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Burt Wardの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Burt Ward (Robin) - 2020年6月1日
Last month, Burt Ward had a promotion with his dog food company that if you bought a large bag of food from Target, he'd send you an autographed picture. The text on Batman's torso is printed, but the inscription and signature are authentic. Purchased: April 21, 2020 Received: May 18, 2020 Return Address on envelope: Gentle Giants 960 6th Street Suite 101A Norco CA 92860 I would suggest writing to this address and including $40 or $50. The dog food came to about $35. It's not an unreasonable fee for someone who pretty much only attends conventions in CA. http://surfmypictures.com/image/0fbe35e6a389c45f/wp051.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Burt Ward RTS - 2019年5月23日
Another one with those yellow stickers "Return to Sender" Burt Ward Neal Public Relations & Management 3117 Hollycrest Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90068 USA I will try the other address in the database, hopefully, it is a good one, I would really love to get Burt Wards address. Thank you Joanne

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Burt Ward - RTS - 2019年3月1日
[size=150Sent autograph request to Burt Ward at the address listed in the Fanmail database on 2/4/19. Received the request back RTS on 2/28/19.[/size http://surfmypictures.com/image/bc0ae3f80a2c3bef/r022j.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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burt ward RTS - 2018年10月22日
came back as 'not deliverable as addressed. Unable to forward.'

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Burt Ward Failure - 2014年7月21日
Sent 2 photos, letter, and SASE to Burt Ward at the below address on approx 6/18/14. Received photos back, unsigned, with no letter on 7/19/14. Burt Ward Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions P.O. Box 6005 Norco, CA 92860 USA

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