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Burt Wardの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

No Success for Burt Ward Autograph - 2014年6月17日
I sent letter, SASE, and 2 photographs to Burt Ward on April 18, 2014 (with a $25 donation to Gentle Giants Rescue & Adoption to the following address: Gentle Giants Rescue & Adoptions, P. O. Box 6005, Norco, CA 92860 My check never cleared, so I went on the "Gentle Giants" website yesterday (June 16) and found Mr. Ward's phone number on an email posting he sent a client who had adopted one of the dogs from his organization. I called him today (June 17) and asked if he had ever received the package. He stated that "he doesn't do this; he only signs photographs in person at Batman shows, and that $25 was not enough since he charges $50 to sign photos and this all goes to charity.". He stated that I should visit the website to see where he will be for signing. I live in North Carolina, so I doubt I would be able to fly to any Batman convention to get Mr. Ward's autograph. He stated that the PO Box that I sent the package to was incorrect. My pictures were never "returned to sender". I thanked him for checking, and that was the end of it. I checked the address/PO Box on the Gentle Giants website today, and it still states PO Box 6005. I think the package was received and was ignored.

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