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Celticの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 7ページ):

Brian Scalabrine Updated Address Former New Jersey Nets and Boston Celtics Player - 2021年12月11日
6 Sterling Dr Dover, MA 02030 USA Using this address sent 9-19-20 Recd 12-11-21 2 signed 3x5 cards sent with SASE

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Bob Cousy RTS (Houdini of the Hardwood)(Celtics great) - 2021年7月9日
I sent a letter, playing card, and SASE to Mr. Bob sousy through the Naismith HOF within the last month... I got it back today marked as RTS as they couldn't forward it to him... This one hurt to see, he's getting old and is one of my favorite all time Celtics! Does anyone have a working address of his that they could share? Happy TTM-ing!

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Bob Cousy (Boston Celtics great) SUCCESSS!! - 2020年12月29日
Sent 12-18-20 Recd 12-29-20 using 427 Salisbury St, Worcester MA 01609 Recd signed inscribed 3x5 card

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Robert Parish Boston Celtics HOF success - 2019年3月19日
Robert Parish, Boston Celtics, Basketball HOF Sent 2 cards in Feb. 2019. Got address from database. Uploaded with

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Gordon Hayward (Boston Celtics) - 2018年7月18日
Sent him an 8 by 10 on (2-21-18) & got it back signed on (6-5-18). Here's the addy I used: 76 Brandywine Ct Brownsburg, IN 46112-1076

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