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Cleveland Indiansの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 13ページ):

Manny Acta (Cleveland Indians) Success - 2012年9月21日
I sent a photo, SASE, LoR, and Sharpie on Sept 5, rec'd back Sept 20 to: 2401 Ontario Street Cleveland, OH 44115

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Indians pitcher "Nick Hagadone" success (Cleveland Indians - 2012年9月5日
mailed card 3-21-12 received signed 8-17-12 used: Nick Hagadone c/o Cleveland Indians Progressive Field 2401 Ontario Street Cleveland, OH 44115-4003 http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/705/hagadone2.jpg/

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Travis Hafner Success (Cleveland Indians) - 2012年9月1日
I sent this to the address for the Cleveland Indians in the database on 8/23, and got it back today, 9/1. I sent a LoR, SASE, photo and Sharpie. He actually sent my pen back to which rarely, if ever happens LOL. Already threw the envelope away. -

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Cleveland Indians Pitcher Justin Masterson Success - 2012年8月31日
hi everyone, 3 weeks ago i decided to send to Athletes who i enjoy, To add some varity to my collection. i Sent: a LOR, SASE, & 2 pics to Justin Masterson, and today(Thursday 8/30/12)i was happy when i opend my MailBox to find: Cleveland Indians Pitcher and Former Boston Red sox Pitcher Justin Masterson <img src= very happy with this success as this is my first athlete other than a pro wrestler to receive. i used the Indians Address in this database. thanks again for another job well done. sorry i do not have a pic of the envelope due to it wasnt not anything worth sharing. sorry but here are the pics themselves enjoy & thanks for understanding. Best Wishes, Sean SJazz - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/f4lseanjazz:f4lseanjazz at 2012-08-30 - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/f4lseanjazz:f4lseanjazz at 2012-08-30 address used: Cleveland Indians Cleveland Indians Progressive Field 2401 Ontario Street Cleveland, OH 44115 USA

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Cleveland Indians Fan Pack Success - 2012年8月20日
Sent fan pack request to Cleveland 8/16/12, Recieved fan pack 8/20/12. Inside: 1 Note 1 Coloring Page 1 Word Search 1 Pocket Schedule 1 Bumper Sticker Ticket Ordering Guide Thanks to the Cleveland Indians! Sent: 8/16/12 Recieved: 8/20/12 4 Days

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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I Got A Response
Zoey Deutch (Success) (Until Jan 19, 2025)
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