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Cleveland Indiansの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 13ページ):

Justin Masterson Success(Cleveland Indians Pitcher) - 2012年8月15日
On august 6th I sent a 2012 allen and ginter to mr masterson. I received my card back signed 9 days later in blue sharpie with a bible verse inscribed! Nice success from a stud young pitcher! Used indians addy in database

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Indians pitcher Justin Masterson success (Cleveland Indians - 2012年7月5日
mailed card 6-7-12 received signed 6-20-12 used: c/o Cleveland Indians Progressive Field 2401 Ontario Street Cleveland, OH 44115-4003 http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/684/masterson.jpg/

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Justin Masterson Success! (Cleveland Indians) - 2012年3月18日
Sent a SASE and 2011 topps card to Justin Masterson at Indians Spring Training and in 2 weeks it came back signed. Address: 3125 S. Wood Blvd Goodyear, AZ 85338 This is not the stadium where the Indians play, it is there "Player Development Facility" Date Sent- March 3rd Date Received- March 17th My autograph site: http://www.AutographsTTM.weebly.com -

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Al Rosen (Cleveland Indians) SUCCESS - 2012年1月7日
Rosen, Al http://ttmcentral.weebly.com/ Success (7 Days) 2011/12/30 2012/01/06 15 Mayfair Dr Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 USA >> 7/7 Signed [color=#FF0000:Autographs ----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDTJ8atPnOY video

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Grady Sizemore (Cleveland Indians) Success - 2011年12月15日
On 8-12-11, I sent a LOR, SASE, and baseball card to Grady Sizemore at : Grady Sizemore C/O Clevelnad Indians Progressive Field 2401 Ontario Street Cleveland, OH 44115 On 12-14-11, I received a different (and better baseball card, for that matter) back autographed. Apparently Sizemore is very concerned that his fan mail returns to his senders in good condition.....he put a piece of cardboard on each side of the signed card.

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Zoey Deutch (Success) (Until Jan 19, 2025)
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