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Dakota Fanningの直筆サイン入り写真 (26 / 30ページ):

Dakota Fanning success - 2011年10月4日
Sent: 23 June 2011 2 pics,LOR,SASE received: 3rd october 2011, 1 pic signed and dedicated address use in database So happy with this succes <img src= Picture: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/707/p1020989t.jpg/ envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/836/p1020996c.jpg/

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Dakota Fanning - 2011年10月4日
Sent : 05/10/2011 Received : 10/04/2011 Dakota Fanning Osbrink Talent Agency 4343 Lankershim Blvd. Suite 100 Universal City, CA 91602 USA Sent : SAE+LOR+2 photos -

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Dakota Fanning success! :) - 2011年9月29日
Hey <img src= I just came back from Turkey and I found an envelope from USA - it was a response from Dakota Fanning <img src= Sent: 14th of Jun 2011 Received: between 15th and 28th of Sep 2011 (Im not sure, as I said I was on holiday) I sent a letter, SAE and one photo and I received my photo signed with dedication <img src= She used my sae ;)<!-- s;) -->

Scans here: <!-- m --><a class=http://ciasteczkowekrolestwo.blogspot.c ... nning.html Address in database ;)<!-- s;) --></td><tr><td style=

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Dakota Fanning success ! - 2011年9月10日
Hi ! A few days ago I got Dakota Fanning autograph ! I`m so happy ! <img src= It is unfortunate that she has signed only one photo of me because I saw that she sign everything sent to her. I do not know why I got only one signed. But I`m very happy that I got something, because she is very talented actress ! She is so nice to her fans ! :razz:<!-- s:razz: --> 

Sent : 21 July 2011 (LOR, SAE, 2 photos)
Received :  2 September 2011 (one of my photo signed and personalized)
Address used :
Dakota Fanning
Osbrink Talent Agency
4343 Lankershim Blvd.
Suite 100
Universal City, CA 91602

Autograph : 

<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image -->

Evenelope : 

<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image --></td><tr><td style=

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Dakota Fanning - 2011年9月8日
Sent about month ago Received yesterday Address in DB Dakota Fanning Osbrink Talent Agency 4343 Lankershim Blvd. Suite 100 Universal City, CA 91602 USA Picture: http://www.freewebs.com/origamiautograp ... =137182026 Envelope: http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/9224/img127w.jpg

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