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Dakota Fanningの直筆サイン入り写真 (29 / 30ページ):

Dakota Fanning SUccess!!! - 2011年6月18日
Dakota Fanning Osbrink Talent Agency 4343 Lankershim Blvd. Suite 100 Universal City, CA 91602 USA Sent: 2 Photos 5/15/2011 Returned: 6/18/2011 Photos: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... =1&theater -

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Dakota Fanning Success - 2011年6月13日
i was really surprised today <img src= i send her letter, sae and couple of pictures, more than a year ago, and today i received an autographed picture, not the one i send, but it doesnt matter <img src= - the address i used: Osbrink Talent Agency 4343 Lankershim Blvd. Suite 100 Universal City, CA 91602 USA

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Dakota Fanning Success... 1,025 day wait!! - 2011年6月11日
Sent a letter, large SASE, and 2 index cards to Dakota on 8/19/2008 at: Dakota Fanning Osbrink Talent Agency 4343 Lankershim Blvd. Suite 100 Universal City, CA 91602 On 6/10/2011 (1,025 days later) I received a small 5x7 signed to me in their own envelope. Thrilled to finally get this back... I'd long since given up hope after seeing people receive successes within a few months. Scan on my website:

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Dakota Fanning Success - 2011年6月11日
I had sent twice to Dakota Fanning and today I received back an autograph from her. It is the same picture I got before but it is wtill nice! On this autograph part of it is faded a bit but I am happy! Sent: Either 2008 or 2009 Receved: 06/10/11 Address: Osbrink Agency http://twihardpotterfan.webs.com/apps/p ... =128552035

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Dakota Fanning 2nd Success! - 2011年6月5日
About a month or two ago I sent her a small "The Runaways" poster from a magazine and yesterday I received My poster signed+one of her own photos signed Sent to: Dakota Fanning Osbrink Talent Agency 4343 Lankershim Blvd. Suite 100 Universal City, CA 91602 USA click this link for the runaways poster: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... =1&theater -

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