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Dane Farwellの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 7ページ):

Dane Farwell (Ghostface) Success - 2013年11月24日
Sent 09.09.2013 Received: 23.11.2013 Address: Mr. Dane Farwell P.O. Box 571721 Tarzana, CA 91357-1721 USA Pic: http://philograph.webs.com/apps/photos/ ... =186981168 Env: - Thanks Mr. Farwell and Fanmail.biz <img src=

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Dane Farwell "Ghostface" Scream - 2013年9月28日
Sent to Dane Farwell address in database LOR, SAE, IRC 1 x DVD Sleeve & 1 x A4 magazine advertisement. Received everything back signed with great inscriptions in my SAE Dane Farwell P.O. Box 571721 Tarzana, CA 91357-1721 USA -

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Dane Farwell Success! (Scream, Ghostface) - 2013年9月20日
Very happy about this one. I sent a LOR and SASE to Dane on 8/21 and got back his own photo signed on 9/20. It says "Kyle, Im looking forward to meeting you. Too bad for you!". Scream is my favorite horror movie, so this is pretty exciting. - Sent to - Dane Farwell P.O. Box 571721 Tarzana, CA 91357-1721

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Dane Farwell (Scream) success - 2013年8月20日
On June 19th I sent a letter, index card and SASE to Dane Farwell...today I received my index card back signed but he also sent his own 8x10. He sent the return in his own envelope and paid for postage. -

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Dane Farwell (Ghostface) success! - 2013年5月21日
Ive been a "Scream" fan since I was 6 years old, so this is a fantastic success for me 8)<!-- s8) --> 

Sent: March 11th
Received: May 20th

Address used: 
Dane Farwell
P.O. Box 571721
Tarzana, CA 91357-1721

Unfortunately, I missplaced the envelope somewhere... but Ill add a picture once I find it!

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<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image --></td><tr><td style=

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