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Dane Farwellの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 7ページ):

Dane Farwell - Success! - 2011年5月20日
I sent just a letter to actor Dane Farwell, who is known as Ghostface in the [iScream[/i films. After a little while, I received back a very cool 5x7 color personalized and signed photograph with the inscription: 'I know where you live! Ghostface AKA - Dane Farwell' Very glad to have Mr. Farwell - a true horror film legend! I used the following address: P.O. Box 571721 Tarzana, CA. 91357

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Dane Farwell success!! Heartbroken though =[ - 2011年5月19日
Today I recieved what might have been one of my all time favorite TTM Successes. I sent an 8x10 to Dane Farwell (Guy in Ghostface costume in Scream). He signed it and returned it with the most amazing quote Ive ever seen. "Jonathan, Your first mistake was letting me know where you live. Your second mistake will be answering the phone! Ghostface -AKA Dane Farwell" What breaks my heart though is that the marker he signed it with flaked bad when it dried. Half the letters are gone now. I can still see the imprint of the letters though so it isnt a total loss. I really want to resend. I think Im going to send him another picture with a photo of the damaged one and explain what happened. Pictures to come later so everyone else can share in my heartbreak <img src= <img src= <img src= Sent to- Dane Farwell P.O. Box 571721 Tarzana, CA 91357 Edit- Heres a picture. http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i34 ... eam001.jpg

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