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David Jasonの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 6ページ):

David Jason semi-fail - 2024年10月16日
Sent a request for an autograph to Sir David on 12/10/24 and got reply back on 16/10/24. A very polite letter explaining that David will not be doing personal signings in the near future, but they did include a photo with a printed autograph, so, not a total success, but better than nothing! David Jason Rebecca Singer Management 16 Albert Street Banbury Oxon OX16 5DG UK

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David Jason Tried it but no success - 2023年2月19日
Sent 2 photos and SASE from U.S. (wasn't cheap!) to Bespoke Voice Agency. Got photos and a form letter back saying "David Jason is not signing anything for the foreseeable future" and a preprinted autograph. Kinda sad about it since people said they had success just a few months ago.

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David Jason / Successful - 2022年9月1日
Got a letter from David Jason. I sent it on 21/05/2022 and I got it on 22/06/2022. Very happy. [tiktok[/tiktok

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David Jason Success! - 2021年12月2日
I Posted letter on 12th October 2021 and received a full A4 Autograph on the 1st December 2021. That's just 7 weeks in total I used the following address: David Jason Bespoke Voice Agency Third floor 8/12 Broadwick Street London, W1F 8HW UK Big thanks to David Jason...

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Sir David Jason Success. - 2019年11月13日
Sent 2 separate letters to David Jasons home address about 5 months ago received both lots back today. (13/11/2019) easily my favourite autographs by far. http://surfmypictures.com/image/60aed2f6b1aaf5dd/78yi7.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/60aed2f6b1aaf5dd/r69ri.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/60aed2f6b1aaf5dd/6fi8j.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/60aed2f6b1aaf5dd/6gv4g.html

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