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David Tennantの直筆サイン入り写真 (18 / 23ページ):

David Tennant success!! - 2013年9月15日
I wrote to him using the first address in the database, have no envolope dont know where it has gone, I wrote to him in March and recieved this in June (Early June) he even out my name on it, he is amazing! -

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David Tennant - 2013年5月30日
Hi all, December 23rd 2012 I sent a card to David, I was thrilled when it arrived today signed. Im a big fan of his years as Doctor Who. - - The address I used was: David Tennant Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS

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David Tennant Success! :D - 2013年5月27日
Sent: LOR, DVD Cover and SASE on 05/01/13 Received VD Cover signed and personalised in my SASE on 25/05/13 This is by far one of my favourite successes, I love David Tennant, I loved him in Doctor Who, he was my favourite Doctor who im very very happy with this success <img src= I sent it to the address in the Database <img src= -

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David Tennant Success - 2013年5月3日
I wrote to David on 1st April with an SAE and LOR after his great performance in Broadchurch. I was wondering if he had a new photo now hes out of Dr Who. I guess he hasnt yet as he sent a signed Dr Who card, though its a different one to any other Ive received so still well pleased. I used the address on the database. I received the reply on 2nd of May - about 4 weeks after the letter. -

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Double Success - Maggie Smith and David Tennant - 2013年4月4日
Sent SASE, LOR and an 8x10 in each Both Sent 28/02/13 Received 04/04/13 Maggie Smith http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/8784/imagejhm.jpg David Tennant http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/1194/imagenfdz.jpg

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