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David Tennantの直筆サイン入り写真 (23 / 23ページ):

David Tennant - 2011年7月30日
I wrote to David about two months ago with a LOR and SASE, also sent a picture from a magazine. Today I got back a signed postcard that he provided in my envelope. The address I used : David Tennant Independent Talent Group Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK photo: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/155/1150001.jpg/

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Hi everyone, Here is a success i recieved a couple of years ago. I sent it to the address on site. I didnt send anything for him to sign but he was kind enough to sign something for both me and my Mum. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69 ... 014oj.jpg/

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David Tennant ( Success ) - 2011年5月5日
Sent - 21/12/10 i sent picture letter and SAE Received - 4/5/11 my picture signed used my SAE Address i used was - Independent Talent Group Ltd Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London, W1D 1BS UK Picture - http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b45 ... ant2-1.jpg Sorry no envelope

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David Tennant Success!!! x3! - 2011年5月4日
On the 10/03/11 I sent David Tennant 3 photos, a LOR and a SASE and today I received my photos back signed and personalised. Im so happy because he is such an awesome actor! The 2nd picture is David playing "Barty Crouch Jr." which is a great addition to my Harry Potter collection. Im going to send the Doctor Who photo to Catherine Tate to hopefully get signed. I already have a picture signed by David and Billie Piper. Hes such a great actor - he makes me proud to be Scottish! I sent to the "Independant Talent Group Ltd." address in the database and the photos are below. 8)<!-- s8) --> 

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