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David Tennantの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 23ページ):

David Tennant personalised success - 2015年9月26日
sent some time ago, took maybe 3 months, not totally sure! address used: David Tennant Independent Talent Group Ltd. 40 Whitfield Street London W1T 2RH UK http://surfmypictures.com/image/430ddf8 ... bq50b.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/430ddf8 ... sl8g9.html

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Hi, I sent a letter and 2 DVD covers to David on September 8th 2015. I recieved my covers back personalised and signed on September 23rd 2015. The problem is that the pen was a gold metallic, so that smudged my covers and his signature a little bit. I'm slightly annoyed but happy I recieved it. Does anyone know what this says?! I've been trying to read it. I don't know why he wrote it on the back aswell ... Was he testing the pen? Because there's sort of a kiss sign under the text if you look closely. Address used in database.

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David Tennant Success - 2015年9月22日
I sent 2 photos to the address in the database on 12/06/2015. I received them both back signed and dedicated last week in my SASE. David Tennant Independent Talent Group Ltd. 40 Whitfield Street London W1T 2RH UK Like my facebook page and check out my website https://www.facebook.com/Ryans-Autograp ... /timeline/ http://ryansautographs.weebly.com/

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David Tennant - Success - 2015年9月4日
I sent a LOR and a SEA to David. Sadly, I still don't have any of my own photos as I have been at loads more conventions, so I haven't got enough left over to get more photos printed. He included this amazing photo. Happy, happy, happy! Sent: 22nd August 2015 Received: 4th September 2015 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Address Used: David Tennant Independent Talent Group Ltd. 40 Whitfield Street London W1T 2RH

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David Tennant Fast Success - 2015年8月29日
Sent LOR, SAE & Photo on 6/8/15, This just arrived (29/8/15) .... less than a month! Address I used was: David Tennant Independent Talent Group Ltd 40 Whitfield Street London W1T 2RH

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