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Dayo Okeniyiの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Dayo Okeniyi (Thresh HG) Success!!!!! - 2014年2月5日
neutral: [color=#8040BF I sent a letter WITHOUT an SASE and he still replied with a personalized autograph! I sent a photo I printed on photo paper and on a note I requested personalization and signature.. It was very sweet!! I was so so so excited because it was my first success ever!!!! I used the address at the data base. And btw I have started sending SASEs now. [/color July 2013 Received: October 2013 Took About 3 Months.[/color :razz: //www.fanmail.biz/mboard/images/smilies/icon_thumbs_up.gif"> [color=#800080Sorry no pic (I dont know how to do it yet I am new)[/color

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Dayo Okeniyi (Thresh in The Hunger Games) double success - 2014年1月29日
1. Sent: SASE, LOR, 4 photos 27.11.2012 Received: our 4 photos signed 07.01.2014 1. Sent: SASE, LOR, 2 photos, 1 custom card 29.10.2013 Received: our 2 photos and card signed 09.01.2014 address used: Dayo Okeniyi Sweeney Entertainment 6253 Hollywood Blvd Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA Photos: http://www.facebook.com/AutografyMatiIPati or http://mati-pati.blogspot.com/2014/01/0 ... eniyi.html Envelopes: - - Any opinions of authenticity are welcome. Please <img src= our facebook fanpage (if you like it) <img src=

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Dayo Okeniyi success!! - 2014年1月4日
Super happy to get this back. Sent: lor, sase, picture about 3 months ago Received: signed and personalized picture yesterday!!! I love the hunger games and I love him as thresh!!! - Address used: Dayo Okeniyi Sweeney Entertainment 6253 Hollywood Blvd Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 90028

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Dayo Okeniyi (The Hunger Games) Success! - 2012年11月21日
Hello! <img src= I sent a LOR, two photos, and an SASE to Dayo Okeniyi at the end of August. The address I used was: Dayo Okeniyi Sweeney Entertainment 6253 Hollywood Blvd Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA I got my photos back and personally signed on the 21st November woo! My envelope appeared in a bigger one, I think it must have got damaged some how, I have no idea what happened <img src= Ill make sure I flatten my photos though! <img src= 1st photo and envelope: - 2nd photo and back of envelope: -

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(THG) Dayo Okeniyi – success - 2012年11月13日
Today I got something back from Dayo Okeniyi aka Thresh from District 11. He seems to be so nice on twitter. I like what he writes especially when it comes to Hunger Games and his hash tags (for example #ThreeFingerSalute ^^). I am happy that I have him in my collection <img src= Sent: 23. July 2012 What: LOR, SASE, postcard, 3 pictures Received: 13. November 2012 What: I got all three photos back signed and one dedicated My 4th Hunger Games success so far. Photos & Envelope (one stamp got lost): - I used the address in the Database: Dayo Okeniyi c/o Sweeney Entertainment 6253 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA

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