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Dean Koontzの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Huge Dean Koontz Success! - 2013年11月4日
About four weeks ago I sent out a ttm through the snail mail express telling Dean Koontz how big of a fan I was of his. I used the address on this site to be exact. I only expected to get his signature on a couple of index cards I included in my envelope but today, a package came in the mail. I expected it to be my fathers but the name read DEAN KOONTZ. I opened it up and inside was a book! Down below are two pictures: One is a collage of my entire package. I got Deans signature on one of my index cards I sent, a handwritten thank you note for my letter, and the book. The other picture is a personalized autograph inside the book! I am so grateful for this success. Enjoy. - -

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Dean Koontz Success - 2013年4月24日
Sent: LOR, photo and SASE on 4/10/13 Received: Photo signed, typed and handwritten letter, and a personalized, inscribed and signed copy of "The Book Of Counted Sorrows" on 4/24/13 Address used: Dean Koontz Author Mail Hachette Book Group USA Grand Central Publishing 237 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 - - - -

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Dean Koontz - 2013年4月5日
I wrote to Mr. Dean Koontz and sent a letter with a question about one of his poems in a book. I included a sase in hopes of a reply to my question and he sent me a copy of the very hard to find book I had a question about, wrote me a personal note and signed the inside of the book for me. Such a super nice guy!! Sent 3/15 and took about a week to come back! He even paid the extra postage! I used the address in the database. - This is the book he sent me!! - Inside cover of the book - Note he wrote to me about the book!

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Dean Koontz success - 2013年3月16日
On March 6th, I wrote a letter to Dean Koontz and included two index cards for him to sign. Today I received a large package from Mr. Koontz that included both of my index cards back signed, a form letter with a nice handwritten note on the bottom and a copy of his book A Big Little Life, all signed and inscribed.....Very awesome success from this amazing author.http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69 ... ontzq.jpg/

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Dean Koontz: awesome success - 2013年3月9日
Sent to Dean about a month and a half to 2 months ago. Today I got back a big package in the mail and didnt have any idea what I had ordered. However, I turned it over and realized it was from author Dean Koontz. I wrote him telling him while I was locked up in jail I had the chance to read a few of his books and thoroughly enjoyed them and that my gf anna really loved them too. Today, I received 2 copies of his book The Husband I guess its a brand new book out now. Each copy signed to her and I with a short note. He also wrote me a semi lengthy letter and signed that as well. Upon writing him I sent two pics of him and his dog and told him how my gf and I love ours so much so he talked about his a bit in the letter and signed those pics for her and I as well. Extremely happy and one of the better successes Ive ever gotten. Envolpe: - Photo/Book/Letter: - addy is same as in database

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