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Dean Koontzの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Dean Koontz awesome success! - 2012年12月10日
sent - 15.10.2012 (letter, sase, first page of my book) recived - 6.12.2012 (my first page signed and personalised, his own book personalised and a small letter) address used: Dean Koontz PO Box 9529 Newport Beach, CA 92658 USA PHOTOS ->

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Dean Koontz - AMAZING success!! - 2012年10月10日
I wrote to Mr. Koontz on 9/22/12 using the address on this site. I sent a SASE, two index cards, and my letter. In my letter, I explained to him that my girlfriend was partially to thank for starting me on one of his books, which I was grateful for because it was such a wonderful book (Odd Thomas). I have heard that he is wonderful to his fans, but I never expected what I received in my mailbox 2 weeks later, to the day: - Mr. Koontz sent a signed letter with a small note to me, as well as an index card and brand new book, both signed for my girlfriend! Also, he sent a copy of his newsletters. He is evidently as amazing as a person as he is as an author. Thanks a million, Mr. Koontz!

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Dean Koontz Really Great Success! - 2012年9月8日
I sent to Dean for my mom. I sent my book cover and a picture. But he sent a little surprise. Sent: August 2012 Received: September 8th, 2012 What I sent: LOR, SASE, Picture, Book Jacket What I received: not my picture, but another picture signed and dedicated to my mom, a NEW book signed and dedicated, letter from him, and his newsletter all in his envelope. He said in the letter that he thought a brand new book was better than just a jacket! So he gave us a new copy and signed it. Such a nice guy! Address used: Dean Koontz PO Box 9529 Newport Beach, CA 92658-9529 USA Pictures:

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Dean Koontz SUCCESS!!! - 2012年3月25日
Dean Koontz PO Box 9529 Newport Beach, CA 92658-9529 USA [/color (36 Days) 2012/02/12 2012/03/19 Comment: 6/6 Signed [youtubepNxUIcS-bJ8[/youtube

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Dean Koontz awesome success! - 2011年11月8日
Was very pleased today to get a nice packet from my favorite author. I sent him a letter on May 26, 2011 along with a book cover jacket to be signed to the following correct address: Dean Koontz PO Box 9529 Newport Beach, California 92658-9529 USA Also enclosed was a copy of the "Useless News" fan newsletter and a copy of "Dean Koontz - Most Frequently Asked Questions." What a great person! Truthfully, I didnt think I was going to hear from him so this was an extremely nice surprise. Have a great day everybody and thank you Mr. Koontz for responding. Envelope (postdated on Nov 4, 2011): - Letter with a nice personalized blurb: - Signed cover jacket: -

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