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Detroit Pistonsの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 6ページ):

Joe Dumars Success! (Detroit Pistons) - 2013年4月22日
sent a card to the Detroit Pistons address in the data base on 4-2-13 and received it back signed on 4-22-13! sorry no scanner

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Joe Dumars -Ex NBA Player (Detroit Pistons) Success - 2013年2月23日
I mailed 2 cards, letter, and SASE to Joe Dumars and received back both cards signed. Sent - 1/28/13 Received - 2/22/13 Mailed: Detroit Pistons Attn: Joe Dumars 6 Championship Drive Auburn Hills MI 48326 - Thanks Mr. Dumars!

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Joe Dumars Success x3 (Detroit Pistons) - 2013年2月23日
27 Day Return from Joe Dumars. I sent a SASE, HW LOR, & 3 Cards. The address I used is: Joe Dumars c/o Detroit Pistons The Palace of Auburn Hills 2 Championship Dr. Auburn Hills, MI 48326-1753 -

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Hooper - Detroit Pistons Mascot Success - 2013年2月21日
I sent an email to the Detroit Pistons asking for a mascot autograph and I received back a photo signed. Sent email to http://www.nba.com/pistons/hooper/index.html Sent email - 12/31/12 Received - 2/19/13 - -

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Dee Brown - Ex NBA Player Success (Detroit Pistons) - 2013年2月8日
I mailed 2 cards, a letter, and SASE to Dee Brown and received back both cards signed. The Fleer 91 card is kind mf hard to see but it is signed. Pretty siked about this one because he was always a player I liked growing up. He is currently an assistant coach for the Detroit Pistons. Mailed - 1/28/13 Received - 2/7/13 Mailed to: Detroit Pistons Attn: Dee Brown 6 Championship Drive Auburn Hills MI 48326 - Thanks Mr. Brown!

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