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Detroit Pistonsの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 6ページ):

Joe Dumars success (Detroit Pistons) - 2011年12月1日
Sent an 8x10 to the Palace address, with letter, and SASE. Got the pic back signed, 10 days later. Just wish I would have sent a silver sharpie with it as the black he used kind of blends in a bit. Beggars can't be choosers I guess. Very happy to get a HOF'er that easily. Thanks to Joe Duuuuuuuuuuuuumars!

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Joe Dumars Fast Success (Detroit Pistons) - 2011年11月12日
I Do No scan envelopes On November 7th, yes.. not even a week ago, I sent a LOR, 8x10 photo and SASE to Basketball Hall of Famer Joe Dumars. I received my SASE on November 12th with my photo signed and he even included HOF ’06. I sent the request to the Palace at Auburn Hills, the home of the Detroit Pistons. Here is the photo:

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Joe Dumars - success (Detroit Pistons) - 2011年11月3日
Joe signed my 8x10 of the Detroit Pistons logo Used the Pistons address Sent 10/15/11 Received 11/3/11 No Pictures

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John Kuestor (Detroit Pistons head coach) - 2011年7月27日
Another post that got deleted somehow. I sent this coach an 8 by 10 of the Pistons logo on March and got int bacl signed in April. Here's the addy I used: John Kuestor Detroit Pistons 2 CHampionship Drive Auburn Hills, MI 48326

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Detroit Pistons FANPAC SUCCESS! - 2011年7月6日
Sent Email to the team thru their NBA site , 3weeks ago. Recieved, 4th july 2011: PP Photo of Joe Dumars: http://fenerkanaria.webs.com/apps/photo ... =130806902 Poster:http://fenerkanaria.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=130808387 Bookmark: http://fenerkanaria.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=130807362 Schedule 2010-11: http://fenerkanaria.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=130807363 Planview and Prices for Pistons: http://fenerkanaria.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=130807364 Letter:http://fenerkanaria.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=130760565 Sorry no scan of the envelope. Check out my uppgraded website with two new albums at http://www.fenerkanaria.webs.com !! //G

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