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Dolly Partonの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 8ページ):

Sent a letter/picture/SASE to the address below on 7/20/18. Received my picture (unsigned), my SASE, and a signed photo from Ms. Parton personalized on 9/18/18. I used the address below. Dolly Parton Dollywood 2700 Dollywood Parks Blvrd Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Dolly Parton Success! - 2018年9月12日
My 10 year old daughter is a huge Dolly Parton fan. So I found an old picture of her on Ebay and on March 15, 2018 we sent it to Dolly Parton Dollywood 2700 Dollywood Parks Blvd Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 On August 9, 2018 we returned home from our Pigeon Forge vacation and this was waiting in the mailbox! She sent back the picture we sent unsigned but sent a more current signed pic! Funny story, we were actually in Dollywood the day she was also there but we unfortunately did not get to see her. I'm guessing this was the first time she had been to Dollywood in awhile and got caught up on fan mail while she was there. Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Dolly Parton autograph Success! - 2018年6月6日
hello. Posted a photo and a stamped address envelope from Scotland UK. on 13th November 2017.asking Dolly Parton to sign for me for my friend David. On 31st May 2018 i received such an amazing surprise. Actually forgot all about it as it was 9 months ago! Not only has she signed my photo but very kindly personalised it and made it more special by saying "Hi David..love Dolly Parton"... absaloutely delighted to say the least. I used the address : DOLLY PARTON DOLLYWOOD 2700 DOLLYWOOD PARKS BLVRD PIGEON FORGE TN, 37863 USA Ive tried to upload photo to yvonne

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Dolly Parton success - 2017年10月15日
Sent: 7.11.17 Received: 10.11.17 Sent to private home address Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Dolly Parton UNEXPECTED Success - 2017年7月7日
I sent a letter, SAE, and 3 photos to Mrs Dolly Parton on May 13, 2017. I received a notification from USPS that the package was undeliverable a few days after. But today July 7, 2017 I received the photos back signed and the envelope had no stamps or anything. (I know i posted only 1 because the other two were for someone else) Address Used: Mrs Dolly Parton PO Box 150307 Nashville, TN 37215 https://www.instagram.com/p/BWQnHzeAFz_/?taken-by=bobbysautographs

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