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Dolly Partonの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 8ページ):

Dolly Parton Success - 2008年1月4日
Hey everybody. It's starting to get a while since i recived my autographs from the fantastic singer Dolly Parton, but i thought that i had to post it for everyone 8) I sent a SASE with a letter and two pictures to her when she preformed here in Norway on "Oslo Spektrum". A few mounths later i got some mail from Nashwille and YES!!! when i opened the mail i saw my two pictures signed and she even sent me one extra where she personalized the autograph to me, as you can see on my picture. IM SO HAPPY!!! :razz: :razz: I will upload pictures later {thumb2}

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OMG!!!!! Authentic Dolly Parton charity success!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 2007年9月20日
I sent a letter and an sase to Dolly's address asking for an autographed photo for my charity auction, and she sent me an authentic autographed photo!!!! Her Imagination Library also sent me a letter saying that the autograph is authentic! This is the best donation I have received!

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Dolly Parton - Awesome Success - 2007年8月11日
Hi everyone for three weeks ago i recived not only one, but 3 signed pictures of Dolly Parton! {thumb2} I sent her 2 pictures to sign, and she signed them + she sent me one extra too 8) I sent my request to: Dolly Parton, Oslo spektrum, Norway. Where she had a concert. And it took about 2 mounths to get it back I love Dolly I will upload pictures later Thanks, Ole.

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