Donald Trumpの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 6ページ):
Donald Trump Success - 2012年6月24日 About 2 months ago I sent out 3 photos for Donald Trump to sign. Today I received all 3 of the photos signed by Donald Trump.
I used this address....
The Trump Organization
725 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10022
Here are the pics....
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Donald Trump Success - 2012年6月18日 I sent Him to him a while ago and recieved this a while ago im just now getting to add these up on the site.
Used Addy in the database
Donald Trump
The Trump Organization
725 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10022
USA   |
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Donald Trump success x3 - 2012年3月24日 hello i am really happy and really excited about this success, 2 weeks ago i sent a letter along SESE with 2 pics for Mr. Trump to possibly sign. well today (my Birthday) i received 3 signed pics of The Donald. i used the address in the data base. you guys keep rocking. thanks i will now attemped to post the images for you to enjoy.
best wishes Sean Sjazz
By ###:// at 2012-03-23
By ###:// at 2012-03-23
By ###:// at 2012-03-23 |    |
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Donald Trump signed 1$ bill AMAZING SUCCESS! - 2012年3月5日 Sent SASE 1 week ago
Address in the database
Donald Trump
The Trump Organization
725 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Awesome return!
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Donald Trump Success! - 2011年11月23日 I sent a LOR, Pic and SASE to the New York adress in the DB about 2 weeks ago and received my photo signed today! There were no stamps on my SASE because I am waiting for my -->
There was no return adress on my SASE.
PICS: ... =143381395 ... =143381397
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