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Donald Trumpの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 6ページ):

Donald Trump success! - 2011年8月19日
After I saw the success from the member 14opc I also decided to send a request. Never expected an answer that soon! <img src= Adress used: Donald Trump The Trump Organization 725 5th Avenue New York, NY 10022 USA Sent: 9th August 2011, 2 photos, LOR, SASE Received: 19th August 2011, 1 photo signed Comments on authenticity are welcome! Obvisiously its not an autopen, as the signature looks a bit different than the one from 14opc. At the moment I do believe its authentic. - Sparkly ?

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Donald Trump Fast Success! - 2011年8月5日
Sent to address in the database. Sent: SAE, $2 U.S., letter, Photo. Returned by the next week! This was a great success! Donald Trump The Trump Organization 725 5th Avenue New York, NY 10022 USA Photo and envelope: -

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Donald Trump - Celebrity Apprentice - Success - 2011年7月9日
Hello Fanmail.biz — A success from Donald Trump. Forwarded: Letter of request, photo, self-addressed and stamped return envelope. Address Used: Donald Trump The Trump Organization 725 5th Avenue New York NY 10022 Sent: June 30, 2011 Returned: July 9, 2011 Photo and Envelope: How fitting that it is signed with a gold marker? Thanks for the help with a success, Fanmail.biz.

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Donald Trump Quick Success - 2011年5月20日
Date Send: 12/05/2011 Date Received: 20/05/2011 Send: LOR, SAE, 1 photo (4x6) and an index card Received: A 3.5x5 picture in my SAE, they didnt return my photo or IC Address: Donald Trump The Trump Organization 725 5th Avenue New York, NY 10022 USA Pictures: - -

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Donald Trump Success! - 2011年5月7日
On the 10/03/11 I sent Donald Trump a LOR, 1 photo, SAE and $2 and today I received my photo back signed. Im not such a big fan of his after the whole "Barack Obama Birth Certificate" thing but its still a good success! I sent to the address in the database and the photos are below. 8)<!-- s8) --> 

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Hi Everyone!
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Kevin Bacon
Sallie Harmsen Fast Success!
Sid Bream Baseball $$$
Chris Nilan Nhl Dns $$$
Mark Hirschbeck (Former Mlb Umpire) Success!



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