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Doris Dayの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 7ページ):

Doris Day won't sign my lobbycard unless I donate $150 - 2015年6月9日
Well I went to Doris Day's animal foundation website and I donated $10, I then mailed a lobbycard together with a SASE and a letter with the PayPal transaction ID for the donation. Today I got an e-mail from the Doris Day Animal Foundation Team (doris at ddaf.org): [quoteDear <my name> Doris Day is in receipt of the ”Pillow Talk” lobby card you would like her to autograph. Currently, Doris is only signing memorabilia that is auctioned off periodically on eBay to benefit the Doris Day Animal Foundation. (i.e. a recent autographed "Caprice" press book sold for over $3,000), and therefore asks that folks not send personal memorabilia to be signed ). On occasion she will also autograph items, such as CD’s or DVD’s for sale at her Cypress Inn, starting at $150 each, again, with all proceeds benefiting the Doris Day Animal Foundation. Because you have already sent your lobby card, she has agreed to autograph it for a minimum donation of $150. If you prefer not to proceed, Doris is still happy to autograph her photos for free, should you like one instead. If you choose to make this donation to the Doris Day Animal Foundation, you may do so at , by clicking on any “Donate” button. Once you receive a credit card or PayPal acknowledgment, you may email a copy of it to doris at ddaf.org. We look forward to receiving your instructions. Please feel free to email us at doris at ddaf.org. All the best, THE DORIS DAY ANIMAL FOUNDATION TEAM[/quote Well, I'm very disappointed. This autograph was meant for a friend of mine. He's 61 and has been a Doris Day fan all his life. But I can't afford to pay $150, I am working hard supporting my family and making ends meet. I understand she is doing this for the animals, but I believe majority of her fans are not going to be in the position to spend hundreds of dollars on an autograph. I could have just sent my autograph request with no donation like others have done apparently with success, but I donated what I felt I could afford, unfortunately that was not enough for Doris. Just a heads up for others who are thinking of requesting her autograph, make sure you can afford it.

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Doris Day Success - 2015年3月30日
Sent: January, 2015 Received: 30 March 2015 I sent a Photo, LoR, 4 Irc's and a SAE to Doris Day using the address in database and today I received the photo signed by Miss Day. Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Doris Day handsign success - 2015年1月31日
On 31/12/2014 I sent 2 old large black and white press photos and a stamped envelope to Doris Day . I sent a letter to the address of your Foundation . Street Address: Doris Day Doris Day Animal Foundation P. O. box 223163 Carmel, CA 93922 USA [us<!-- s[us -->  <!-- s<img src= --><img src= On 01/25/2015 I got my letter back [germany<!-- s[germany -->  <!-- s[ugotmail --><img src= <img src= <img src= . Unfortunately lost 1 picture <img src= <img src= . My second photo was signed in the letter <img src= . A brochure of your Foundation was asking for a donation <img src= <img src= . Here I found another address : Doris Day Animal Foundation 8033 W Sunset BLVD Los Angeles CA 90046-9888 [us<!-- s[us --> 

Unfortunately this does not work upload the images. The hand-signed autograph and the donations brochures and an image of the prepaid envelope you will find in pictures on my facebook page : <!-- s<img src= --><img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= https://www.facebook.com/pages/Autogram ... 7897699576

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Doris Day - 2014年12月24日
Sent picture to Doris Day using the PO Box address on this site on 14 November and got it back 13 December signed. Really happy! I hope it's real?!

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Doris Day Success!!!! - 2014年11月5日
I was thrilled beyond belief to receive this one!!! On 10.6.2014 i sent a lor, photo and sase to Doris Day Animal Foundation P.O. Box 223163 Carmel, CA 93922 11.4.2014 I received this in the mail -

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