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Doris Dayの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 7ページ):

Doris Day Success - 2012年2月7日
Sent: December 10th, 2011 Success: January 23rd, 2012 Sent 3 things for her to autograph, The West Point Story DVD cover and 2 8x10s. She personalized the photos, one to me and the other to my sister. However, the DVD cover was returned back unsigned and a brochure to Doris Day Animal Foundation was included too. I used the address found on her official website: Doris Day Animal Foundation 8033 Sunset Boulevard #845 Los Angeles, CA 90046 - -

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Doris Day fake success - 2011年12月7日
8)<!-- s8) -->  Hi!

I wrote to ms. Doris Day sending 2 pictures.
They returned back signed n personalized but Im sure theyre secretarial because I saw some IP and original autographs of her and the "D" is too different. Then ms. Day is more or less 90 y.o.... her handwrite cannot be so clear! Anyway.... a sort of success!

(15th August - 6th Dec. 2011)

<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image -->

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Adress used: 

c/o Overlook Foundation
PO Box 223163
Carmel, CA 93922

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Doris Day success - 2011年10月25日
Sent: SASE, letter 16.09.2011 Received: photo with dedication 20.10.2011 - envelope: - Address used: Ms. Doris Day DORIS DAY ANIMAL FOUNDATION 8033 Sunset Blvd., Suite 845 Los Angeles, CA 90046 USA received by e-mail from foundation

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Doris Day Success - 2011年7月22日
I sent a photo, LOR and SASE to Doris Day on 05.20.11 and received a signed and personalized response on 07.15.11. Doris Day c/o Doris Day Pet Foundation PO Box 223163 Carmel, CA 93922 USA I received my photo in my SASE. Autograph: - Envelope: -

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Doris Day - 2011年7月20日
success from Doris Day used data base address. Took about 2 months. see image: - Doris Day Pet Foundation PO Box 223163 Carmel, CA 93922 USA A note was included that she will not sign covers and only 1 photo.

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