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Dustin Hoffmanの直筆サイン入り写真 (10 / 12ページ):

Dustin Hoffman success? - 2012年12月12日
I sent a letter, photo and SASE on Oct 15th and received signed photo on Dec 7th along with Punch Productions, Inc. letterhead stating that my interest in Mr. Hoffman is appreciated and enclosed is memorabilia for my collection. Can anyone tell me if its authentic? the address i used was: DUSTIN HOFFMAN PUNCH PRODUCTIONS, INC. 11661 SAN VINCENTE BLVD. STE. 222 LOS ANGELES, CA 90049 -

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Dustin Hoffman Success - 2012年11月21日
Envoyé le 24 octobre 2012 Reçu le 21 novembre 2012 Jai envoyé deux photos + 1 lettre – j’ai reçu une de mes photos signées l’autre non Adresse utilisé : Dustin Hoffman Punch Productions, Inc. 11661 San Vincente Blvd., Suite 222 Los Angeles, CA 90049 USA -

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Dustin Hoffman success! - 2012年10月15日
Sent 9/26/12 Received 10/15/12 This is my first autograph EVER and Im so excited that his was the first. He is such an amazing actor. I sent a letter and an index card to: Dustin Hoffman Punch productions 11661 San Vicente blvd Suite 222 Los Angeles, ca 90049 -

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Dustin Hoffman succes x 1 - 2012年7月24日
hello i send a letter +post + only 1 postcard. + envelope 1-6-2012 received: 5-7-2012 dustin hoffman c/o punch productions 11661 san vicente blvd suite 222 los angeles ca 90049 usa http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/266/sscn7518.jpg/ thanks fan mail & mr. dustin hoffman !!!!

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Dustin Hoffman TTM pre print success - 2012年7月4日
Sent a letter of Request to Dustin Hoffman on June 1st 2012 and on july 3rd 2012 i got a black and white pre print success from his production company. they even had a letter print out sent too along with the picture. im happy with this pre print because hey its dustin hoffman and it was a great success. Sorry no scans available at this time for the picture and envelope. Recent TTM success: Dustin Hoffman (pre print) Joey Styles, Tom Selleck Recent Email Success: Ward Burton, Jeb Burton, Charley Pride

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