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Dustin Hoffmanの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 12ページ):

Dustin Hoffman - 2017年7月17日
Got this back today from Dustin Hoffman with his Punch Productions address. Took less then 2 weeks. Sent it on the 5th of this month. Sent with a top loader SASE, and LOR. Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Dustin Hoffman success!! - 2016年8月9日
Sent a LOR, and picture to Dustin Hoffman two weeks ago and got back a different picture on Saturday. <img src= Address used: Dustin Hoffman Punch Productions, Inc. 11661 San Vincente Blvd., Suite 222 Los Angeles, CA 90049 USA

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Dustin Hoffman - 2016年2月1日
Sent LOR and self-addressed stamped envelope on December 23rd, 2015. Received this 8 x 10 on February 1st, 2016. Address used : Punch Productions, Inc. 11661 San Vicente Blvd. Suite 222 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Please see below for link to photo and envelope : http://surfmypictures.com/image/f60b415 ... sbduj.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/f60b415 ... uewsd.html

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Dustin Hoffman Possible Success - 2015年9月19日
I am a little unsure if this is authentic or autopen. I can't find another signature that looks exactly like this one. And at a couple of points, the ink is not as solid. I would greatly appreciate any feedback. I sent it to the address in the database last month and received it back on 9-19-15. Dustin Hoffman Punch Productions, Inc. 11661 San Vincente Blvd., Suite 222 Los Angeles, CA 90049 USA Close-up of autograph

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Dustin Hoffman - 2015年8月4日
July 22, 2015- Sent LOR, SASE, 4x6 August 3, 2015- Received 8x10 SIGNED Check out all my autographs at http://www.zbowers17.wordpress.com Address Used Dustin Hoffman Punch Productions 11661 San Vincente Blvd Suite 222 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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