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EastEndersの直筆サイン入り写真 (14 / 97ページ):

Second attempt at getting Danny's autograph. First attempt I wrote to the fanmail address in the database back in July 2015 with no success. Then tried the via venue address in database. Sent 3 page A5 LOR, 2 A4 photos and SASE. Address: (taken from fanmail.biz) Danny Dyer EastEnders BBC Elstree Centre Clarendon Road Borehamwood Herts WD6 1JF Sent: 02/11/2015 Received: 09/03/2016 Turnaround: 4 months 7 days Received both photos autographed in my SASE.

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Karl Howman success sec ( Eastenders) - 2015年10月30日
I sent a letter and SAE to Karl on: 21st July 2015, and a few months later, I recieved this signed Eastenders photo, with normal sec personalisation <img src= address I used was: Karl Howman, c/o Eastenders, BBC Elstree Centre, Clarendon Road, Borehamwood, Herts WD6 1JF Here is the pic: http://surfmypictures.com/image/0ccbda727f5b8b91/ncmzp.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/0ccbda727f5b8b91/ncmzp/small_image.jpeg

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Jonny Labey EastEnders Success! - 2015年7月31日
Request sent to Jonny Labey (Paul Coker - EastEnders) with a self addressed envelope on 23/06/15 and this signed and dedicated cast card arrived on on 23/06/15. Strangely my original envelope was not used, possibly lost or damaged, but looks like Jonny has kindly hand written one himself. http://s124.photobucket.com/user/lisa_75/media/FullSizeRender1_1.jpg.html:http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p37/lisa_75/FullSizeRender1_1.jpg Address used: EastEnders BBC Elstree Centre Clarendon Road Herts WD6 1JF

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James Bye EastEnders Success! - 2015年7月31日
Request sent to James Bye (Martin Fowler - EastEnders) with a self addressed envelope on 28/01/15 and this signed and dedicated cast card arrived on on 22/07/15. http://s124.photobucket.com/user/lisa_75/media/FullSizeRender_3.jpg.html:http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p37/lisa_75/FullSizeRender_3.jpg Address used: EastEnders BBC Elstree Centre Clarendon Road Herts WD6 1JF

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June Brown (Dot Branning - EastEnders) - 2015年7月23日
Request sent to June Brown (Dot Branning - EastEnders) with a self addressed envelope on 25/02/14 and again on 25/11/14. Had given up any hope of a reply, but this signed and dedicated cast card arrived on 23/07/15. It was not in my original envelope, but a different one. Address used: EastEnders BBC Elstree Centre Clarendon Road Herts WD6 1JF

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