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EastEndersの直筆サイン入り写真 (20 / 97ページ):

Maddy Hill-Eastenders- Half Success - 2015年3月20日
Date sent:28/2/15 Date rec:19/3/15 What was sent:letter,s.a.e and 2 photos Address used:Maddy Hill c/o Eastenders, BBC Elstree centre,Clarendon Road,Borehamwood,Herts,WD6 1JF What was rec:1 of my photos signed, group one unsigned also requested signed Eastenders photocard /not received. <img src=

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Kellie Bright (EastEnders) success - 2015年3月18日
I wrote to Kellie Bright at the EastEnders address in the database last year and, today, I received a hand-signed cast card, with the BBC covering the cost of postage. I wrote to five of the current cast in total and now have four signed cast cards! Sent: 5th July 2014 Received: 18th March 2015 Signed cast card: Envelope/cast card:

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Linda Henry-Eastenders Success - 2015年3月18日
Date sent:28/2/15 Date rec:16/3/15 What was sent:letter,s.a.e and 2 photos Address used:Linda Henry c/o Eastenders,BBC elstree centre,Clarendon rd,Borehamwood,Herts,WD6 1JF What was rec:my 2 photos signed and dedicated and Eastenders signed photocard as requested. Great result :

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Kellie Bright (Linda - EastEnders) Success! - 2015年3月18日
Request sent to Kellie Bright (Linda Carter - EastEnders) on 17/03/14 and this signed, but undedicated, card arrived on 18/03/15, almost a year to the day! Over the moon she replied after so long <img src= Address used: EastEnders BBC Elstree Centre Clarendon Road Herts WD6 1JF

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Kellie Bright (Linda Carter - EastEnders) SUCCESS - 2015年3月17日
I sent a letter & an SASE to Kellie on the 29th May 2014 & on the 17th March 2015, i recieved a signed cast card! Very happy with this as I wanted Kellie's signed cast card so badly & she is my favourite actress. I kinda lost hope I would ever get a response <img src= It took 292 days, but it was worth the wait!! Thank you very much Kellie!! (And for not using my stamp) <img src= Used the address in the database: Kellie Bright C/O EastEnders BBC Elstree Centre Clarendon Road Borehamwood Hertfordshire WD6 1JF Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Kevin Miller Nhl Success
Hi Everyone!
Nancy Kovack- Sweet Success!!
Nfl Brandon Peters Fail / Rts
Jessy Schram Vv Success
Tommy Chong Actor Success
Eric Brewer Nhl Success (Prince George Cougars)
Kevin Bacon
Sallie Harmsen Fast Success!
Sid Bream Baseball $$$



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