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Emma Robertsの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 6ページ):

Emma Roberts success! - 2015年8月4日
Sent: Email on 21/7/15 Recieved: Signed photo on 4/8/15 I take the picture from someone else on this forum because I have the same succes from Emma Roberts.

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Emma Roberts Success! - 2015年7月8日
Sent: LOR, SASE Received: signed picture Date sent: 2015-06-23 Date received: 2015-07-08 Address used: Emma Roberts Sweeney Entertainment 6253 Hollywood Blvd Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA

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Emma Roberts Success - 2015年6月30日
About two weeks ago, I sent Emma Roberts a photo. I received another photo from her ( a headshot) hand-signed. It was nice and it appears to be authentic. She seems to be very sweet and I am glad to have her autograph as part of my collection.

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Emma Roberts (Early 2013) - 2013年5月31日
So I just realized I never posted my successes on here. I believe I sent this out in November of 2012 and got in back in 2013. I sent to Emma Roberts using the address in the data base. I was SO excited to get this! I practically own all her movies and am a bit obsesed. No envelope, sorry.

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Emma Roberts X6 SUPER Success - 2013年4月4日
I sent 5 pictures, LOR, and an SASE on February 21, 2013! I received all the pictures I sent back signed, on April 4th, 2013, and she even provided one of her own! I am super excited for this success! It was super fast! She personalized one to me, and one to my mum! The rest she left unpersonalized : Picture 1 - Picture 2 - Picture 3 - Picture 4 - Picture 5 -

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