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Emma Robertsの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 6ページ):

Emma Roberts success? - 2011年9月29日
I havent been on here lately, been really busy with school! But I recieved a response back from Emma Roberts yesterday. I wrote her three months ago, and sent two pictures, a letter, & SASE. I recieved the two pictures back personalized, as well as a notecard. Little confused by this, because I think I read on here she doesnt sign TTM anymore? Also, I sent to an address in CA, and the envelope is postmarked from NY. Autho opinion? Used address in database. - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/christinaamy:christinaamy at 2011-09-29 - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/christinaamy:christinaamy at 2011-09-29

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Emma Roberts Success - 2011年6月28日
I have been a fan of hers for years and she keeps getting prettier! I sent a LOR, and 8 x 10, and a SASE to Emma Roberts on 6-5-11. I used the address in the database of: Emma Roberts c/o Sweany Management 8755 Lookout Mountain Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90046 Not only did I receive my picture back from her signed and personalized, but she also included a second picture in which she also signed and personalized on 6-27-11. -

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