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Ewan McGregorの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 4ページ):

Ewan McGregor half-success! - 2016年8月19日
I sent a letter, photo to be signed, and SASE to Ewan McGregor United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK One and a half months later, I got a pre-print. (A way to tell if it was pre-signed or pre-printed is to pull out a magnifying glass and look for circles with dots in them. If there are those, it means it's been printed.) I was a little disappointed, but I'm keeping it.

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Ewan McGregor PP Success - 2015年4月8日
Sent: February 14 2015 Received: April 8 2015 I sent him a letter, self-addressed envelope and a photo. Two months later, he replied with a pre-print autograph photo. Address used: Ewan McGregor United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK Photo: http://surfmypictures.com/image/ccc4855 ... x5umb.html

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Ewan Mcgregor success! - 2015年1月31日
Sent letter and item 12/29/15. Received pre-print, letter and unsigned item 1/30/15. Used address in database Ewan Mcgregor United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK http://surfmypictures.com/image/f07debb ... w12wv.html

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Ewan McGregor *PP-success* :( - 2015年1月28日
Thats to pity. I wrote to his vV address last year in NY The Real Thing and sent two pictures. Today came back the letter from his management in London. My pictures was not autographed and they sent a PP picture and a note that he has not so much time for all autograph requests..... <img src= Thats the reason which is makes not much sense to write to actors like McGregor or Arterton. I dont have a problem to wait a couple of months for an original autograph but PP or Sec...no sorry thats an "no go" for me. My personal opinion.It gives many greater actors which are fan friendlier. <img src= - - Ewan McGregor United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK 17.10.14 - 28.01.15

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Ewan McGregor PP & Julian Glover Signed (Success) - 2014年10月14日
Hey Guys I wrote to Ewan McGregor on the 14th September 2014 the Ewan McGregor United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK Sent SASE - LOR - 4x6 Photo Arrived back today with the following insert 1x Unsigned 4x6 Obi-Wan picture 1x Pre Printed Ewan McGregor photo as seen on most 1x Letter of Apology explaining he is currently filming so couldn't sign Proof: Proof: I wrote to Julian Glover who played General Veers in Empire Strikes Back and also appears in GoT on the 6th October 2014 I wrote to Julian Glover Conway Van Gelder Grant Ltd. 8-12 Broadwick Street 3rd Floor London W1F 8HW UK Sent SASE - LOR - 4x6 Photo Arrived back today with the following insert 1x 4x6 Photo personalised to me 'Gareth' Proof: Proof: Not the best of Ink but when held in the light properly its shines great I'd almost given up hope on Ewan but I know its a PP but still I am pleased

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