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Ewan McGregorの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 4ページ):

Ewan McGregor Success - 2012年9月9日
Sent 8/9/12 Receive 9/10/12 Sent a letter and SAE. Got the same envelop back with the same picture as everyone else. Ewan McGregor United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK

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Actor Ewan McGregor SUCCESS - PP - Useless - 2012年5月18日
Date Send: 20/03/2012 Date Received: 15/05/2012 Sent : 2 PHOTOS 10x15 + LETTRE + ENVELOPPE RETURN (no stamp) Received : 1 card 10x15 SIGNED whith my ENVELOPPE RETURN It is about an original autograph on a photo. I compared the autograph with the other members and autographs are any various. Have a look here : http://www.mp22.book.fr ----------- TAKE TIME TO LOOK AT MY PHOTOS AND LEAVE I A SMALL MESSAGE. THANK YOU. KISSES IN YOU ALL. Discover my FACEBOOK page with all my autographs : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Le-monde- ... 8759012214 - FAN MAIL : Ewan McGregor United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK

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Ewan McGregor - 2012年3月26日
<img src= Sent out card, picture, and SAE to Ewan McGregor about 1 month ago and received back a pre-print photo and signature. Despite what people may say, the signed picture he sends is a preprint. This is still really cool... I dont regret sending it because the pp is nice. You can send out a card and request to him, but just warning you everything he sends is a preprint....they are not authentic. <img src= Picture: - Address Used: Ewan McGregor United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK

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Ewan McGregor success - 2012年1月27日
Had to send him a request after watching Moulin Rouge! <img src= Sent: 9th January 2012; LOR, SASE Received: 27th January; signed PP in my SASE and a compliments slip with the United Agents logo (so not even from Mr McGregor) with nothing written on it which I found quite amusing. Address: United Agents Ltd 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F 0LE -

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Ewan McGregor Success - 2011年12月11日
I received this in the mail yesterday from the UK. It was probably a month long turn around time. I sent 2 trading cards and an official pix 8x10 and 3-4 dollars. My items came back unsigned but I did get a signed photo (which I guess is an autopen) and a note saying that he was out of the country and unable to sign at the moment. Ewan McGregor United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK -

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